Sun and Time, [O Ilios kai o Chronos]
dcterms: title
dcterms: subject
dcterms: description
α) μαύρο, μπλε και κόκκινο μελάνι β) μπλε μελάνι γ) μαύρο μολύβι, μπλε μελάνι, κόκκινος μαρκαδόρος δ)-ε) φωτοτυπίες στ) διαφάνειες εντύπων
dcterms: publisher
dcterms: rights
dcterms: abstract
a) sketches of 5.,9.,4.,3. and an additional song which is not contained in b) and c) [in c) only as a title], sketches and lytics that contain another work b) sketches (lyrics, melody) for 1.-11 and an addional song not included in c) c) complete form of the cycle (nos. 1.-8 harmonized, nos. 9.-15. in the form of sketches) d) photocopy of autograph Μ.Th.with the full cycle as in c). The numbering of songs 8-15 (e.g. 8. is numbered 17, whereas the number of the page follows the previous one) leads to the conclusion (according to Koutoulas) that it was probably intended as a longer cycle, something confirmed by the sketches of additional songs in a) and b), e) autograph sketch of a different performance of the work with two conductors, three groups of musicians and pre-recorded tape f) transparency of printed score
dcterms: extent
114 Φύλλα/Sheets
fms: box
fms: folder
fms: catalogNumber
fms: kkt
fms: songCycle
fms: tonality
fms: orchestration
fms: compositionLocatedAt
fms: indicatedDate
31/8/1967, 1/9/1967, 4/9/1967, 17/10/1967, 27/10/1967, 10/11/1967