Lilian Voudouri Music Library, Friends of Music Society

Development of an ecosystem for the digitisation, documentation, and promotion of musical heritage, and the creation of a semantically enriched digital repository

ACTION: “Creation, Promotion, and Utilisation of the Digital Cultural Heritage of the Friends of Music Society”

The scope of the Action is the development, organisation, documentation, management, and promotion of digital content related to cultural musical assets, such as music collections, musical records, archives, etc., dating from 1830 onwards, in accordance with Law 3028/2002 (Government Gazette A 153/28 06 2002), as well as the development and provision of related electronic services to the public.

The country’s musical cultural heritage remains digitised to a limited extent. At the same time, the digitisation of any cultural heritage has gained central cultural significance: on the one hand, the visit to museums, monumental sites, and cultural institutions has expanded and partly shifted to cyberspace; on the other hand, the digitisation of collections of historical and artistic value has created new opportunities for the utilisation and promotion of related materials. The Action “Creation, Promotion, and Utilisation of the Digital Cultural Heritage of the Friends of Music Society” aims to integrate a significant volume of the country’s musical cultural heritage into this new reality. Essentially, it will transform the Music Library of the Society into the largest musical repository in Greece.

Contracting Authority

The Friends of Music Society was founded in 1953 with the primary goal of establishing the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron) and the Great Music Library of Greece. Alongside this, the Society develops targeted educational, artistic, and research initiatives focused on Music.

In order to achieve its goals and continue its multifaceted social and national work in the future, the Friends of Music Society, a private entity that does not receive any regular funding, relies on the generosity of private initiatives, which have supported it throughout its journey from its founding to the present day. The Contracting Authority does not belong to the General Government.


The funding body for the project is the Ministry of Development and Investments. The project is financed through credits from the Public Investment Program (SAE 1191 and Project Code Number 2022ΣΕ11910027).

The contract for the project is part of Subproject No. 2 of the Action: “Creation, Promotion, and Utilisation of the Digital Cultural Archive of the Friends of Music Society,” which has been integrated into the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation” based on the inclusion decision with protocol number 02/06/2022 A.P.: 3134, and has been assigned the MIS code 5093605. The project is funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and national resources through the Public Investment Program (PDE).


Uni Systems
Ανταγωνιστικότητα ΕΣΠΑ